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React web scraper component

A lightweight component that are using our scraping API for getting full HTML content from a given URL. The component is fully customizable and will require a callback function that renders the HTML.

Demo of the widget

A demo with custom colors and a simple Copy to clipboard button. Implementation is shown below.


Another demo

In this demo, the widget is default design and the callback function is with limited design effor :)



In below sections, we will show some examples of how we can configure the component for our needs and design


npm i reactjs-scraper

All available props

interface IReactScraper { renderFn: (content: string) => any; animationColor?: string; buttonStyle?: any; inputStyle?: any; errorStyle?: any; buttonText?: string; placeholder?: string; }

The renderFn is the only required prop and it should be a function that takes the content in as the arguments. The rest is optional.

Basic usage

Below example is the one from the demo

import { ReactScraper } from "reactjs-scraper"; <ReactScraper renderFn={(content: string) => ( <> <h3>Response:</h3> <div style={{ height: "200px", width: "420px", overflow: "scroll", marginTop: "12px", }} > {content} </div> </> )} />;

Custom styling

Following code will result in the component looking like this:


And the code should be as follows.

NOTE We are using our reactjs-loading-button in this example, check it out if you are in need of a button with loading animations.

import { ReactScraper } from "reactjs-scraper"; import { LoadingButton } from "reactjs-loading-button"; const renderButton = () => ( <LoadingButton loadingMode="SPINNER" onClick={() => { navigator.clipboard.writeText(content).then(() => alert("HTML copied")); }} isLoading={false} text="Copy HTML" buttonStyle={{ fontWeight: "bold", backgroundColor: "#da6868", color: "white", }} /> ); <ReactScraper placeholder="Type in the URL" buttonText="Crawl" animationColor="#fff" buttonStyle={{ backgroundColor: "#5588c8", }} renderFn={renderButton} />;


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