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A React library which provides the schedule for NHL games. We show games that has been played and then we show the results as well. We also show upcoming games and when they will be played. We support playoff games and display current stats at the top of the widget.

Example how it looks


We have support for live games as well

With real time updates, the widget will automatically update the goals, time and status.



npm i nhl-schedule


Default usage

Default settings is 3 days back and 7 days ahead.

import { NHLSchedule } from "nhl-schedule"; <NHLSchedule />;

With specific days

You can specify if you want more or less days of games. Below example shows 5 days of games back, and 5 days of upcoming games.

import { NHLSchedule } from "nhl-schedule"; <NHLSchedule daysAgo={5} daysAhead={5} />;

Without scroll

Per default, if the widget have any non-finished games, it will scroll to the first in line. If you don't want the scroll, you can disable it with doScroll prop.

import { NHLSchedule } from "nhl-schedule"; <NHLSchedule doScroll={false} />;


The component is small and created with a basic idea to show NHL games with minimum information. However, if you like it but you feel something is missing - don't hesistate to contact us with your requests - we'd love to enhance it!

Contact information can be found here.

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