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Sat Apr 22 2023

Speed conversion in JavaScript

In todays post, we will do some speed conversion between three units, km/h, mph and m/s.

In order to solve this, we have a conversion factor that we will use to convert each unit to another.

Conversion table

Below table will show each conversion factor we will use to convert the units.



m/s to km/h

const msToKmh = (ms) => ms * 3.6; console.log(msToKmh(25)); // 90

m/s to mph

const msToMph = (ms) => ms * 2.23693629; console.log(msToMph(17)); // ~38

mph to km/h

const mphToKmh = (mph) => mph * 1.609344; console.log(mphToKmh(60)); // ~96.5

mph to m/s

const mphToMs = (mph) => mph * 0.44704; console.log(mphToMs(55)); // ~24.5

km/h to m/s

const kmhToMs = (kmh) => kmh * 0.27777778; console.log(kmhToMs(50)); // ~13.9

km/h to mph

const kmhToMph = (kmh) => kmh * 0.621371; console.log(kmhToMph(120)); // ~74.5


In this guide, we did some conversion between the most common units that we measure speed for wind and vehicles. I hope you found this somewhat useful, and thanks for reading this post!

Have an amazing day!

signatureSat Apr 22 2023
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